There are several ways ecotherapists can help make Watershed Ecotherapy even better! This includes ecotherapist directory listings, ecotherapy events, online resources and books, and guest articles for the site. To contribute any of these, please email me at rebeccalexa(at)watershedecotherapy(dot)com. Here’s more information on what I specifically need from you:
Find an Ecotherapist: If you incorporate ecotherapy into your mental health practice, I’d like to add you to our directory of practitioners. Counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors and other trained professionals are invited to contact me at rebeccalexa(at)watershedecotherapy(dot)com. I need the following information:
–Your name
–The address of your practice
–Phone number and/or email address
–Your level of training, any licenses or certifications, and other credentials
–A brief description of what services you offer, with a particular emphasis on how you incorporate ecotherapy into your work
Find an Ecotherapy Group, Workshop or Event: If you run a regular ecotherapy group, or if you host workshops, retreats and other events, I can add the information to the calendar. I’m also interested in relevant conferences and symposiums. Here’s what I need to add your event:
–Your name
–Phone number and/or email address
–Website (preferably that detailing the event)
–The name of the event
–The date (or day of the week/month for recurring events like ecotherapy groups), time and location information for your event
–Any cost for the event, per person
–A brief description of the event, to include whether it is aimed at adults or children or both, any clinical focus (is it specifically for treating depression, for example?), any practical considerations (especially if the event will be held outdoors at least part of the time.)
More Resources: I’m always looking for more practical, preferably free, resources online for users of this site, as well as book recommendations. I’m especially interested in websites that offer practical skills and information for those incorporating ecotherapy into treatment, and I’d also love to see research papers on ecopsychology, ecotherapy and related topics (basically anything that shows how nature can be incorporated into therapy.) While I appreciate the value of fiction, narratives and the like, I am not looking for personal journals, short stories and poetry for this site. I’m also including a list of recommended books, and I’ll also be expanding on some of them in…
Book Reviews: If you are the author or editor of a book on ecopsychology, ecotherapy or related topics, you can also contact me about the possibility of reviewing your book. I’m primarily looking for practical texts that practitioners and clients can use in their work together, and that people in general may also use in their self-care. I’ll also consider academic texts and essay collections. I prefer paperbacks/hardbacks to ebooks as I find ebooks difficult to read, but if your work is only available as an ebook I can still accept it.
Guest Articles for the Site: While I’m fully intending to take on the bulk of the writing for Watershed Ecotherapy, I’d love to offer some space to other writers! You can look over the various categories of article currently on the site to get an idea of the sort of material I’m looking for. I’m especially interested in practical material that practitioners and their clients can make use of, and that anyone, whether in therapy or not, can incorporate into their everyday self care. Supporting theoretical material like research will also be considered, but I don’t want it to be the main focus of the site. As I mentioned above, too, I’m not looking for personal narratives about ecotherapy or nature, fiction, poetry and so forth.